Dean Werges' Twin Cat is a 60" Expresscraft Systems Cat. This boat is a wonderful play boat as it goes fast and it handles rough water very well. It is impressive to watch and it is impressive to hear! It probably would not be the best boat for a beginner because it has two engines in it (unless you are the really mechanically inclined type). The same boat with a 25cc High Torque single would be really easy to deal with for a beginner. This boat has no torque problems from running two standard rotation singles because it is so wide and such a stable platform. This boat is available as a ready to run boat from Dean Werges with any motor combination and any paint scheme you want.
The latest update on this big Cat is: Todd, master engine builder, pipe builder and machinist at Quickdraw, built one of these Cats for himself with a single 25cc High Torque instead of twins. The result is a boat that handles rough water great, it is really easy to drive and it will easily run 60 mph at our 3200 foot elevation. A single engine version of this Cat would make a great project for a beginner or seasoned builder.
If you are interested in contacting Dean, his email is:
To contact Tom at Expresscraft boats, his website is: